フランティセック・クプカは、東ボヘミアでマスターサドラーとして見習いされたとき、14歳頃にスピリチュアリズムに導入され、プラハとウィーンの両方でスピリチュアリストの交霊会で「成功した媒体」として働きながら、動物磁気にも導入されました。クプカは非常に成功したので、プラハとウィーンの両方のアカデミーでの芸術の授業にお金を払い、錬金術、占星術、神智学の研究を支援するのに十分な媒体として生計を立てることができました。²トランスに入るのが得意です。クプカは、生きている人間の世界と死者や霊の世界との間を行き来するとされる「精神的エネルギー」の導管として機能することができました。彼はまた、動物磁気を使用して体を癒す方法を知っていたようです。特に、磁石を体に取り付けたり、体の上の手を伸ばして磁性流体を「パス」に向けたりすることで、 「発散」-クプカによってよく使用される用語-排出されます。媒体としての彼の経験は、ウィーンとパリでの仏教徒、スピリチュアリスト、神智学者へのクプカの露出によって強化されましたが、彼が身体と無意識に対するその力の集中的な調査に接触したとき、彼の磁気の知識は新しい次元で成長することができましたパリのfin-de-siècleで神経学者、科学者、超心理学者によって行われた心。
Introduced to Spiritualism around the age of fourteen when apprenticed as a master saddler in Eastern Bohemia, František Kupka was also inducted into animal magnetism while working as a " successful medium " in both Prague and Vienna in Spiritualist séances. So successful was Kupka that he was able to earn his living as a medium sufficiently to pay for his art classes at both the Prague and Viennese Academies and to support his study of alchemy, astrology and Theo-sophy.² Adept at going into trances, Kupka was able to perform as a conduit of " psychic energy " purportedly passing between the world of living humans and those of the dead or of spirits. He also seems to have been aware of the ways in which animal magnetism could be used to heal the body, particularly through the attachment of magnets to it and the stretching out of hands above the body to direct magnetic fluid in " passes " in order for " emanation " − a term often used by Kupka − to be discharged. While his experiences as a medium were intensified by Kupka's exposure to Buddhists, Spiritualists and Theosophists in Vienna and Paris, his knowledge of magnetism was able to grow in new dimensions when he came into contact with the intensive investigations of its power over the body and unconscious mind conducted by neurologists, scientists and parapsychologists in Paris at the fin-de-siècle.
Far from animal magnetism abating when František Kupka arrived in Paris, the opposite ensued, particularly through its practise at Salpêtrière, Bicêtre, Hotel Dieu, Charité, and by Hippolyte Baraduc, Auguste Liébault, Jules Bernard Luys and Albert de Rochas. Given the burgeoning of electromagnetism and radio activity alongside Camille Flammarion’s Cosmic Magnetism, this period has been aptly called Neo-Magnetism. As it flourished, Neo-Magnetism intersected with Neo-Lamarckian Transformism alongside Spiritism, Bergsonian Vitalism and Anarcho-Communism, as articulated by Elisée Reclus and imaged by Kupka in which the evolution of mutualist society was touted alongside the revolution of consciousness. By no means were these connections unrealized by artists sanctioned by the Radical Republic as demonstrated by Clémentine-Hélène Dufau’s murals commissioned for the New Sorbonne, particularly Le Magnetisme et La Radioactivité. Yet unlike Dufau, Kupka deployed magnetism as a medium and as an artist not only to combat capitalist corruption but also to ignite “superconsiousness” of an anarchist ecological and cosmological utopia, particularly through their manifestation in abstraction. By examining Kupka’s relationship to magnetism modernism, as both a medium and artist, this paper will consider how his mesmeric abstractions were produced to transmit and emit "magnetic waves like those of the hypnotizer” to generate a revolution in consciousness.